It is now February. It is usually very cold. It usually gives us a lot of snow. February usually is still dark when I awake and dark around supper time. The days are generally overcast and somewhat dreary. It is usually in February that we start hearing people say they are sick of cold and snow. We also find ourselves several weeks into the new year and quite often finding our goals and resolutions slipping by the wayside. Wow...that is depressing... It can be and it is for many, but why?
I love getting the photo Christmas cards and letters from people we know. I always put them in a basket and every once and a while pull them out and look at them with the kids. As I did this last week, I found it interesting how 'picture perfect' most cards, letters and photos are. I am not naive enough to believe that is the case in most of these families, but it does tend to be what our society pushes us to be and what we attempt to portray. I told Melissa that nexy year we are going to have a 'Birky reality Christmas photo car!' Pictures of crying kids, crayon marks on the wall, fighting children, stressed out mom and dad, sick kids, complaints about food, broken washers, piles of laundry, bills,...all the stuff we try to pretend don't happen in our life. Bologna!
It has taken me years to come to embrace the freedom that we are given when God tells us to boast about our weaknesses. Why? beacause it is through us and our weaknesses that His strength becomes real. I don't have to be perfect! In fact I can't be, but I can do all things through Jesus who gives me strength.
I am not sure how your February is going, but the one thing I do know is that it is not perfect. Don't let the devil rob you of your joy. We don't have to be perfect, just trust. God will do mighty things if we give him our weaknesses. When He workds through our weaknesses we can't take the credit, it is all Him.
There is a lot of February left...lets all get out of God's way and let His glory shine through us and all our imperfections. I am so glad he loves me dispite my short comings!